Opening Speech
Welcome To Website
Office of Partnerships and International Affairs Universitas Pakuan
Assalamualaikum w.w.
Greetings from Universitas Pakuan!
Welcome to our website and to Universitas Pakuan, Bogor, Indonesia.
Unpak as the biggest private university in Bogor, West Java, Indonesia opens widely to students from other countries to study in Unpak as a fulltime or short time students. We also invite the institutions, academic or non-academic to have a collaboration to improve the quality and benefit of each party.
I really hope that this website can introduce Unpak widely to all of you who are in
Indonesia and abroad, and that can bridge the partnership with others. Besides, this also can show you both the activities of international students in Unpak and the activities as the result of the collaboration between Unpak and the parties.
Be a part of Unpak!
Cucu Mariam, M.Pd.
Official Unpak
Sekolah Vokasi
Sarjana (Strata-S1)
Sekolah Pascasarjana
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